Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Basking in Bermuda

You might well wonder what a sailor craves as he plies his way across the deep wine-dark waves? A green field, perhaps, with grazing cows full of buttercups and clover (the field, not the cows!) or maybe his favorite armchair and today's newspaper? Perhaps a walk with the dog, or a happy afternoon on the lawn with his grandkids? Well, the answer for Jim was, in a word,"still". As in motionless. As in using an everyday appliance, such as a stationary loo! Jim is in seventh heaven, because the earth, contrary to Chris Columbus, is now completely and wonderfully flat. After last night, when Jim was treated (at of course 02dark Thundered) with a 25 kt little affair that hijacked him without fanfare, we think he is entitled to a bit of basking in the serene waters of St George's harbor, perhaps the best situated natural harbour in the world.

Yes, we arrived. And we had a grand last 24 hour sail, with plenty of just usable wind, and lovely sunshine (no, not at night: not even moonshine at night this week.) At 832 am today we completed six days' sailing, were 16 miles south of Bermuda, and had travelled thru the water 912nm or an average of 152nm a day. We cleared into customs at 11.15, and Nancy smartly produced pate and cheese to go with the traditional bubbly. Now she is cooking an Admiral's Omelette - lots of 'bird-whatsit' on the shoulders, don't you know? - and it smells delicious. Not sure how it will go with a dark 'n' stormy - but here goes!

Answer: brilliant omelette, and the dark 'n' stormy was quite good too.

Best to all, Jim, Nancy and John, safely and fairly soundly in St George's Bermuda, June 7, 2011

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